My Publications
Full, and up-to-date publications: G. Scholar
PhD thesis
@phdthesis{sbelharbiphd2018, author = {Belharbi, S.}, title = {Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning}, school = {Normandie Université, INSA Rouen Normandie, LITIS laboratory}, year = {2018}, pages = {196}, note = {Supervisor: Sébastien Adam, Advisors: Clément Chatelain, Romain Hérault}, url = {} }
“Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning”.
PhD thesis
, INSA Rouen Normandie
, 2018.
Supervisor: Sébastien Adam, Advisors: Clément Chatelain, Romain Hérault.
Under review
@article{belharbi2019unimoconstraints, author = {Belharbi, S. and Ben Ayed, I. and McCaffrey, L. and Granger, E.}, title = {Deep Ordinal Classification with Inequality Constraints}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1911.10720}, year = {2019} }
, I. Ben Ayed, L. McCaffrey and E. Granger,
“Deep Ordinal Classification with Inequality Constraints”,
CoRR, 2019.
@article{belharbi2019wsolentropy, author = {Belharbi, S. and Rony, J. and Dolz, J. and Ben Ayed, I. and McCaffrey, L. and Granger, E.}, title = {Min-max Entropy for Weakly Supervised Pointwise Localization}, journal = {CoRR}, volume = {abs/1907.12934}, year = {2019} }
, J. Rony, J. Dolz, I. Ben Ayed, L. McCaffrey and E. Granger,
“Min-max Entropy for Weakly Supervised Pointwise Localization”,
CoRR, 2019.
[ArXiv] [Code]
@article{sbelharbiarxivsep2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Neural Networks Regularization Through Class-wise Invariant Representation Learning}, journal = {CoRR}, year = {2017}, volume = {abs/1709.01867} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Neural Networks Regularization Through Class-wise Invariant Representation Learning”,
CoRR, 2017.
[ArXiv] [Code]
@article{sbelharbiarneurocomputing2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Hérault, R. and Chatelain, C. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep Neural Networks Regularization for Structured Output Prediction}, journal = {Neurocomputing}, year = {2018}, volume = {281C}, pages = {169-177} }
, R. Hérault, C. Chatelain and S. Adam,
“Deep Neural Networks Regularization for Structured Output Prediction”,
vol. 281C, pp. 169-177, 2018.
[URL] [Presentation] [Poster] [Animation] [Paris-Normandie] ["BodyComp.AI” 2017 French Innovative Unicancer Prize]
@article{sbelharbiCBM2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S. and Thureau, S. and Chastan, M and Modzelewski, R.}, title = {Spotting L3 slice in CT scans using deep convolutional network and transfer learning}, journal = {Computers in Biology and Medicine}, year = {2017}, volume = {87}, pages = {95-103} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault, S. Adam, S. Thureau, M. Chastan and R. Modzelewski,
“Spotting L3 slice in CT scans using deep convolutional network and transfer learning”,
Computers in Biology and Medicine,
vol. 87, pp. 95-103, 2017.
International conferences
[PDF] [Presentation]
@inproceedings{belharbiESANN2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Hérault, R. and Chatelain, C. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep multi-task learning with evolving weights}, booktitle = {European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN)}, year = {2016} }
, R. Hérault, C. Chatelain and S. Adam,
“Deep multi-task learning with evolving weights”,
in European Symposium on Artificial Neural Networks (ESANN), 2016.
- [Page] [Slides] , Eric Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed, “Deep Learning Models for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization and Segmentation”, ICPR, 2022, Montreal, Canada.
Local conferences
[PDF] [Presentation]
@article{sbelharbiRFIA2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Hérault, R. and Chatelain, C. and Adam, S.}, title = {Pondération dynamique dans un cadre multi-tâche pour réseaux de neurones profonds}, journal = {Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) (Session spéciale "Apprentissage et vision")}, year = {2016} }
, R. Hérault, C. Chatelain and S. Adam,
“Pondération dynamique dans un cadre multi-tâche pour réseaux de neurones profonds”,
Reconnaissance des Formes et l'Intelligence Artificielle (RFIA) (Session spéciale "Apprentissage et vision"), 2016.
[PDF] [Poster]
@article{belharbiCAP2015, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {A Unified Neural Based Model For Structured Output Problems}, booktitle = {Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP)}, journal = {Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP)}, year = {2015} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“A Unified Neural Based Model For Structured Output Problems”,
Conférence Francophone sur l'Apprentissage Automatique (CAP), 2015.
Workshops and posters
@article{belharbiICMLWSDL2015, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Learning Structured Output Dependencies Using Deep Neural Networks}, journal = {Deep Learning Workshop in the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)}, year = {2015} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Learning Structured Output Dependencies Using Deep Neural Networks”,
Deep Learning Workshop in the 32nd International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML), 2015.
International communications
@misc{belharbiLLaneuve2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep Neural Networks and Structured Output Problems}, year = {2016}, url = {}, howpublished = {Image and Signal Processing Seminars, Université Catholique de Louvain} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Deep Neural Networks and Structured Output Problems”,
December, 2016. Image and Signal Processing Seminars, Université Catholique de Louvain.
Local communications
@misc{sbelharbiLitisSept2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning}, year = {2017}, url = {}, howpublished = {Japanese-French workshop on Optimization for machine learning, Riken and LITIS labs} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning”, Sept, 25th
2017. Japanese-French workshop on Optimization for machine learning, Riken and LITIS labs.
@misc{belharbiUCANiceDLTL2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Détection de la coupe L3 par CNN et transfert learning}, year = {2017}, url = {}, howpublished = {UCA Deep Learning School, Nice} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Détection de la coupe L3 par CNN et transfert learning”, 12-15 June
2017. UCA Deep Learning School, Nice.
@misc{belharbiUCANiceDLRL2017, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Representation Learning}, year = {2017}, url = {}, howpublished = {UCA Deep Learning School, Nice} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Representation Learning”, 12-15 June, 2017. UCA Deep Learning School, Nice.
@misc{sbelharbiGDRISIOct2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Détection de la Coupe L3 par CNN et Transfert Learning}, year = {2016}, url = {}, howpublished = {GDR Information, Signal, Image et ViSion. Télécom ParisTech} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Détection de la Coupe L3 par CNN et Transfert Learning”, October, 2016. GDR Information, Signal, Image et ViSion. Télécom ParisTech.
@misc{sbelharbiNormasticJune2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep Multi-task Learning with Evolving Weights}, year = {2016}, url = {}, howpublished = {Normastic, Journée « Deep Learning » de l’axe Données, Apprentissage, Connaissances. UFR des Science, Universté de Caen Normandie} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Deep Multi-task Learning with Evolving Weights”, June, 2016. Normastic, Journée « Deep Learning » de l’axe Données, Apprentissage, Connaissances. UFR des Science, Université de Caen Normandie.
@misc{sbelharbiJDD2016, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep Multi-task Learning with Evolving Weights}, year = {2016}, howpublished = {Journée Des Doctorants (JDD). Université le Havre Normandie} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Deep Multi-task Learning with Evolving Weights”, June, 2016. Journée Des Doctorants (JDD). Université le Havre Normandie.
@misc{sbelharbiNormasticMay2015, author = {Belharbi, S. and Chatelain, C. and Hérault, R. and Adam, S.}, title = {Deep Neural Architectures for Structured Output Problems}, year = {2015}, howpublished = {Normastic, l’axe Données, Apprentissage, Connaissances. UFR des Science, Université de Caen Normandie} }
, C. Chatelain, R. Hérault and S. Adam,
“Deep Neural Architectures for Structured Output Problems”, May, 2015. Normastic, l’axe Données, Apprentissage, Connaissances. UFR des Science, Université de Caen Normandie.