Soufiane Belharbi bio photo

Soufiane Belharbi

Interested in machine learning, neural networks. I like running uphills (since childhood), and also running for long distance. Current challenge: break my 10km running record 00:46min:00.00 (Sept.23.2018 - Montréal) [STRYD].

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My name is Soufiane Belharbi. I am a post-doc at LIVIA Lab., ÉTS, Montreal in collaboration with McCaffrey Lab. / GCRC McGill. I am working with Eric Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed, and Luke McCaffrey on training neural networks with weak supervision.

Research Interests

  • Machine learning
  • Neural networks
  • Representation learning
  • Weakly supervised learning
  • Interpretable machine learning



New challenge is now open @ 8TH ABAW @ CVPR 2025. Ambivalence/Hesitancy (AH) Recognition Challenge at 8th Workshop and Competition on Affective & Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW). [Page]


I completed my PhD in computer science at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen Normandie (INSA Rouen Normandie) in LITIS lab, Apprentissage (Learning) team (Oct. 2014-Jul.2018). I was supervised by Prof. Sébastien Adam (director), Clément Chatelain, and Romain Hérault. During my PhD, I conducted research on the regularization of neural networks through representation learning with particular focus on learning scenarios where only few training samples are available. [BibTeX] [ArXiv][HAL-Thèse][Presentation]

  author = {Belharbi, S.},
  title = {Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning},
  school = {Normandie Université, INSA Rouen Normandie, LITIS laboratory},
  year = {2018},
  pages = {196},
  note = {Supervisor: Sébastien Adam, Advisors: Clément Chatelain, Romain Hérault},
  url = {}