My name is Soufiane Belharbi. I am a post-doc at LIVIA Lab., ÉTS, Montreal in collaboration with McCaffrey Lab. / GCRC McGill. I am working with Eric Granger, Ismail Ben Ayed, and Luke McCaffrey on training neural networks with weak supervision.
Research Interests
- Machine learning
- Neural networks
- Representation learning
- Weakly supervised learning
- Interpretable machine learning
New challenge is now open @ 8TH ABAW @ CVPR 2025. Ambivalence/Hesitancy (AH) Recognition Challenge at 8th Workshop and Competition on Affective & Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW). [Page]
- Jan. 2025: New arXiv, TeD-Loc: Text Distillation for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [arXiv][Code][Page]
- Jan. 2025: New challenge is now open @ 8TH ABAW @ CVPR 2025. Ambivalence/Hesitancy (AH) Recognition Challenge at 8th Workshop and Competition on Affective & Behavior Analysis in-the-wild (ABAW). [Page]
- Jan. 2025: Pattern Recognition journal, CoLo-CAM: Class Activation Mapping for Object Co-Localization in Weakly-Labeled Unconstrained Videos. [arXiv][Code][Page] [Free journal access until March 14, 2025]
- Oct. 2024: WACV 2025, A Realistic Protocol for Evaluation of Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [arXiv][Code]
- Oct. 2024: AI and Digital Health Symposium, ETS Montreal, Canada. Incorporating Affective Computing to Enhance Health Assessments and Interventions. [Posters]
- Sept. 2024: NeurIPS 2024, SR-CACO-2: A Dataset for Confocal Fluorescence Microscopy Image Super-Resolution. [arXiv][Code][Download Dataset][Page]
- Aug. 2024: ECCVw 2024, Textualized and Feature-based Models for Compound Multimodal Emotion Recognition in the Wild. [arXiv][Code text-based][Code feature-based]
- Jul. 2024: New patent with Ericsson (Pending), Method and System for Providing Labeled Images for Small Cell Site Selection. [Link]
- Apr. 2024: CVPRw 2024, Source-Free Domain Adaptation of Weakly-Supervised Object Localization Models for Histology. [arXiv][Code]
- Apr. 2024: CVPRw 2024, Joint Multimodal Transformer for Dimensional Emotional Recognition in the Wild. [arXiv][Code]
- Mar. 2024: FG 2024, Guided Interpretable Facial Expression Recognition via Spatial Action Unit Cues. [arXiv][Code]
- Mar. 2024: FG 2024, Distilling Privileged Multimodal Information for Expression Recognition using Optimal Transport. [arXiv][Code]
- Mar. 2024: FG 2024, Subject-Based Domain Adaptation for Facial Expression Recognition. [arXiv][Code]
- Oct. 2023: Image and Vision Computing. DiPS: Discriminative Pseudo-Label Sampling with Self-Supervised Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [arXiv][Code]
- Jul. 2023: Summer School 2023-Jul.3-7-Concordia University-Montreal, Canada. Leveraging Artificial Intelligence to Optimise Behavioural Health Interventions and Assessments. [Website]
- Mar. 2023: MELBA journal, Deep Weakly-Supervised Learning Methods for Classification and Localization in Histology Images: A Survey. [Webpage][PDF][Code][MIDL2023 poster]
- Nov. 2022: WACVw 2023, Discriminative Sampling of Proposals in Self-Supervised Transformers for Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [arXiv][Code]
- Oct. 2022: WACV 2023, TCAM: Temporal Class Activation Maps for Object Localization in Weakly-Labeled Unconstrained Videos. [arXiv][Code]
- Sep. 2022: Montreal AI Symposium, Constrained Sampling for Class-Agnostic Weakly Supervised Object Localization. [arXiv][Code]
- Aug. 2022: ICPR tutorial, Deep Learning Models for Weakly-Supervised Object Localization and Segmentation. [Page][Slides]
- Feb. 2022: MIDL 2022, Negative Evidence Matters in Interpretable Histology Image Classification. [arXiv][Code]
- Jan. 2022: WACV 2022, F-CAM: Full Resolution Class Activation Maps via Guided Parametric Upscaling. [arXiv][Code]
- Jan. 2022: TMI journal, Deep Interpretable Classification and Weakly-Supervised Segmentation of Histology Images via Max-Min Uncertainty. [arXiv][Code]
I completed my PhD in computer science at the Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Rouen Normandie (INSA Rouen Normandie) in LITIS lab, Apprentissage (Learning) team (Oct. 2014-Jul.2018). I was supervised by Prof. Sébastien Adam (director), Clément Chatelain, and Romain Hérault. During my PhD, I conducted research on the regularization of neural networks through representation learning with particular focus on learning scenarios where only few training samples are available. [BibTeX] [ArXiv][HAL-Thèse][Presentation]
@phdthesis{sbelharbiphd2018, author = {Belharbi, S.}, title = {Neural Networks Regularization Through Representation Learning}, school = {Normandie Université, INSA Rouen Normandie, LITIS laboratory}, year = {2018}, pages = {196}, note = {Supervisor: Sébastien Adam, Advisors: Clément Chatelain, Romain Hérault}, url = {https://arxiv.org/pdf/1807.05292} }